un chirurgien utilise EagleEye dans un bloc opératoire

About Us

Discover Asaria

Our ambition, « A better vision for a better surgery »

Enable surgeons and interventional practitioners to better view pre- and intraoperative imaging (fluoroscopy, radiography, videoscopy, ultrasound) in a more suitable, higher-contrast, larger, 2- or 3-dimensional way.

We are already developing new functions for Augmented Reality displays. Artificial Intelligence will be combined with image processing and 3D reconstruction. These functionalities will offer unprecedented perspectives for various specialties.

Our project, Surgery 4.0 and Augmented Interventional.

ASARIA develops the EagleEye solution. It provides interventional practitioners with accurate, customizable vision focused on the surgical scene.

Our aim is to combine expertise

The Scientific Advisory Board brings together surgeons and interventional practitioners from different specialties. They share their medical requirements to help EagleEye evolve and validate the selected use cases.

The Technology Council relies on partners in charge of technology watch to help us develop EagleEye’s ergonomic, hardware and functional aspects.

Améliorer l’ergonomie du geste, le confort du praticien et la sécurité du patient

Les chirurgiens et les praticiens interventionnels

Améliorer l’ergonomie du geste, le confort du praticien et la sécurité du patient

Imagerie 3D

La formation des futurs praticiens

Analyser le geste et interpréter les images, vivre ou revivre une intervention

Casque Asaria posé sur une table

Les concepteurs de dispositifs d’imagerie médicale

Donnez dès aujourd’hui une nouvelle dimension à vos dispositifs d’imagerie médicale

Modernisez vos salles opératoires ou interventionnelles

Les responsables d’établissements de soin

Modernisez vos salles opératoires ou interventionnelles

Two founders : a surgeon and an engineer.

ASARIA’s two founders are experts in their fields, with complementary skills: 

 Long years of experience 

EagleEye® was conceived within the company SBS Interactive, founded in 2007 by Bernard Dubois . SBS Interactive is the publisher of VIS-On software for touring complex environments (Naval Group, Orano) and augmented reality applications. In 2022, ASARIA® was created to industrialize and validate the EagleEye® device.

Casque de réalité augmentée

Casque HoloLens 2 de Microsoft

Icône livre blanc

2D ou 3D


Imagerie augmentée

Are you a surgeon or interventional practitioner?

Would you like to receive an EagleEye presentation, test EagleEye to help you see pre- and peroperative imaging better, adapt EagleEye to your specialty, use EagleEye to complement your students’ training, communicate live with your peers remotely, or participate in the development of new features?

casque de réalité augmentée